07 Nov 2013

Germany’s Eifelpark Gondorf Has a New Owner

Germany’s Eifelpark Gondorf near Bitburg, which had filed for bankruptcy by the end of 2012, was acquired by the family Alexander Goetzke/Nadine Löwenthal from Munich (pictured). The young family, who took over operations of the wildlife and leisure park on the 16th of October, can draw upon many years of experience in the attractions and showman business. While Nadine Löwenthal is the daughter of Germany’s Allgäu Skyline Park operators Petra and  Joachim Löwenthal, she and her partner have presented their portable white-water ride and their huge “Alex Airport” wave swinger ride on Germany’s largest fairgrounds and abroad for years. Just in the first year of operation, the new operators of Eifelpark plan to invest one million Euro in the renovation of the park and in new attractions. While the wildlife park is open daily for visitors this winter, the reopening of Eifelpark is scheduled for the 5th of April 2014. (eap)

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