24 Dec 2021

A Christmas Greeting

A song that accompanies us every year at Christmas time begins with the lines: “It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid. At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade [...]” – A motto we all should live up to again this year. Let’s lock out the fears and the shadows, that have followed us once again this year with the persistence of the pandemic, out of our homes. Our industry has once again proven how strong its cohesion is. Despite continuing restrictions, we were able to meet again, exchange ideas, set new goals together and celebrate. So, let’s invite joy and light into our living rooms and move forward into the new year with a great dose of optimism.

The entire EAP team wishes you, your employees and families a reflective and blessed Christmas holidays and a happy and healthy New Year 2022!

So: “Here’s to you & Raise a glass for everyone!”

Best wishes, your EAP team.

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