12 Jul 2021

Austria: Spoiler Alert! Fantasiana to Open Magic Express with Magical Feature!

Austria: Spoiler Alert! Fantasiana to Open Magic Express with Magical Feature!

The largest in terms of area, most elaborate and most expensive investment in the 25-year history of the Fantasiana amusement park in Strasswalchen/Austria is “ready to go”. On July 15th, “Project Merlin” will be officially opened. The new “magical” theme area, which was created on an expansion area of the park, will bring the enchanting world of park mascot “Fridolin” and its Magic Express to life. With the new rollercoaster, the amusement park aims to set new standards in many respects. The family launch coaster, custom-made by Art Engineering, will not only offer several launch sections, but due to its family-friendly layout – suitable also for children from a height of 90 centimeters – it will be the first rollercoaster ride of their lives for many of the young park visitors…

Read all the details on “Fridolin’s Crazy Magic Express” in our next upcoming EAP issue 5/2021. But, spoiler alert: It’s certain that the eyes of not only the young visitors will light up as soon as they enter the themed area and especially the station of the Magic Express … or rather: they will be illuminated by a rollercoaster train bathed in shining light. The park has come up with a very unique feature here: the train will appear in a completely different light by means of projection mapping, as if dipped in fairy dust… (eap)

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