Austria: Swarovski Crystal Worlds Will Reopen on June 11th
As of Thursday 11th June 2020, Swarovski Crystal Worlds, located in Wattens (Tirol-region), will open its doors to visitors again. Due to current construction work on two new “Chambers of Wonder“, which will be launched at the end of June, the operators decided on a later reopening date (tourist attractions in Austria have been allowed to restart operations since early May.)
The reopening of the facility is tied to strict hygiene and safety measures. Indoor offerings including the Chambers of Wonder, the store, the play tower and the Daniels Kristallwelten restaurant can only be visited by a limited number of persons at the same time. Additionally, visitors have to stay at least one metre apart from each other and are requested to wear a conventional face mask to enter the indoor attractions. Furthermore, the Crystal Worlds will provide contactless payment opportunities, sanitizer dispensers and additional cleaning measures. (eap)