07 Apr 2022

Canada/USA: ProSlide Technology Becomes Authorized Reseller of American Wave Machines‘ Surf Wave Technology

The Canadian manufacturer of water slides and rides, ProSlide Technology Inc., is now an authorized reseller of the “PerfectSwell®“ wave technology by the American company American Wave Machines, Inc. (AWM) on the global water park and resort markets. As the first artificial surf facility projects being realized within this partnership, ProSlide has announced installations in Asia and the Middle East.

“ProSlide continually pushes the envelope with innovations in the water park and resort spaces. Innovation aligns perfectly with AWM and we‘re excited to address their markets with such a capable partner,“ says Jenna Timinsky, Business Development Manager at AWM.

“AWM’s proven track record of producing world-class waves combined with our advanced water ride technology offerings creates an unparalleled, turn-key development package that our clients will love,“ comments Nicholas Yu, ProSlide’s Business Development Manager – Waves & Surf. (eap)

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