16 Feb 2022

Germany: Therme Vierordtbad Awarded with “Wellness Stars“

Germany: Therme Vierordtbad Awarded with “Wellness Stars“

v.l. Amtsleiter Oliver Sternagel & Bürgermeister Martin Lenz

In September 2021, the Therme Vierordtbad, which is operated by the Karlsruher Bäderlandschaft, launched numerous new wellness offerings for its visitors after a construction time of one and a half years (cf. EAP News of 27 Sep 2021). During the reattractivation the “Markgrafen Sauna“ with a panoramic ceiling, the “Solehof“ including three outdoor pools with natural brine and more relaxation zones e.g. in front of a chimney, have been created to maximise the guests‘ wellness experience. Now, around five months later, the thermal bath was awarded with five stars of the “Wellness Stars“ quality label.

“With the redesign of Therme Vierordtbad in 2021, new attractive offerings were created, which converted the thermal bath into a wellness oasis, an imporatnt island of relaxation within the city of Karlsruhe. I am delighted that we can now count another well-deserved 5-star facility to the spa city of Karlsruhe, alongside the Europabad Karlsruhe,“ says Mayor Dr. Martin Lenz. Oliver Sternagel, chief officer of Karlsruher Bäderlandschaft, is proud to offer guests to Therme Vierordtbad an attractive and 5-star-awarded place with a variety of possibilities for relaxation after the renovation measures. He adds: “Our goal is to constantly develop and improve.“ (eap)

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