21 Apr 2017

Germany: New “Lion’s Palace“ Offers Barrier-Free Play Fun at Jaderpark

When the original playground structure which was located in front of Jaderpark’s lions’ enclosure became outdated, the animal and leisure park decided to invest in the modernization of the former playground area to make way for the new “Lion’s Palace”.

It was opened in due time for this year’s Easter Holidays and it is a barrier-free playground for all generations that offers attractions such as a rotating carousel and a seesaw (also appropriate for wheelchair users) and climbing facilities. Furthermore, the “Path of Light Arts” invites to discovery tours. Thematically, the refurbished playground is now linked to the lion’s enclosure, immersing the guests into the African steppe. All play elements were supplied by Kinderland Emsland (c.f. EAP, 2/17). (eap)

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