22 Sep 2021

Germany: Digital teamLab Art Museum Planned to Open in Hamburg

Germany: Digital teamLab Art Museum Planned to Open in Hamburg

Titel: The Way of the Sea, Transcending Space - Colors of Life

The international artist collective teamLab wants to bring its immersive museum concept (cf. EAP 1/2020) to Germany and do so in 2024 in a new museum for digital art in Hamburg’s HafenCity.

Under the name teamLab Borderless Hamburg, a permanent exhibition is planned to be created in the Elbbrückenquartier in the east of HafenCity on an area of more than 7,000 square meters, which aims to immerse visitors in digital art in rooms with a ceiling height of up to ten meters. Based on the concept of the facility opened in the Japanese capital in 2018, which attracted 2.3 million visitors from 160 different countries and regions in one year, guests will be able to experience digital art under the motto “Touch. Be touched” in oversized spaces. The project is intended to create Europe’s first and largest museum for digital art. 700,000 visitors are expected to be welcomed in Hamburg in the first year.

Behind the Digital Art Museum is German entrepreneur and visionary Lars Hinrichs, founder of the social network XING, who is an active investor in many tech projects and companies in Europe and the US. Hinrichs explains, “With teamLab’s immersive artworks, we are at the verge of a new epoch of art. It is not only consumed but interacted with, and I wanted to make this unique feeling experienceable for as many people as possible. With the Digital Art Museum, this vision becomes a reality.”

Tickets are already available at www.digitalartmuseum.com (eap)

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