03 May 2022

Vietnam: “The Sea Shell“ Aquarium Now Open

Designed in the shape of a turtle, the Sea Shell Aquarium on the popular holiday and leisure island of Phú Quốc, Vietnam has recently celebrated its official opening as part of the VinWonders Theme Parkit was originally scheduled to launch in spring 2020. The new visitor aquarium is already architecturally impressive. Covering a total area of 25,000 square metres, visitors are now able to experience interesting marine ecosystems that can be marveled at in a number of giant water tanks with salt and fresh water with versatile flora and fauna living in them. In addition, there’s a separate area for reptiles. The Sea Shell Aquarium was designed and developed in collaboration with the themed entertainment specialists from Legacy Entertainment. The company Polin Aquariums, which belongs to the Polin Group, was responsible for the installation of the life support systems, including the use of 70 compact filter units in the aquarium tanks. (eap)

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