31 May 2012

Happy Birthday, Efteling!

Eftelings Märchenpark, as it was called back then, opened its gates for the very first time sixty years ago. What started with ten fairy tale scenes in 1952 turns out to be the third largest theme park in Europe today, welcoming around four million visitors per year. All of the park’s attractions and theme areas stick to the theme of fairy tales and storytelling ever since. On 31 May 2012, the new water show “Aquanura” will be revealed to the visitors for the first time as a special gift for Efteling’s anniversary. Water fountains, fire, lighting and music will create a unique show “staring” Frog King … More about Efteling and its anniversary attraction can be found in our next magazine issue EAP 4/12, which will be published at the beginning of July. (eap)

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