10 Mar 2011

New SeaWorld Show is called “One Ocean”


As announced in our last EAP newsletter, 2011 will see the introduction of a new Shamu show in all SeaWorld parks. “One Ocean” is the name of the show which replaces the old “Believe” show. Thrilling performances and actions of the majestic killer whales as well as light effects, water fountains and music are said to envelop the visitors in a multi-sensory celebration of life underneath the sea. The message of the new show is that human beings and thrilling sea creatures are all part of one world and one ocean and that we all should realize that we have the power to make a difference in this planet. The launch of the show is planned for the end of April at SeaWorld Orlando. SeaWorld San Diego and San Antonio follow at the end of May and in June respectively. (eap)


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