04 Apr 2024

Oceana’s Property Damage Amounts to over 40 Mio. Euros

Oceana’s Property Damage Amounts to over 40 Mio. Euros

Photo: Courtesy of Liseberg / WhiteWater West

(eap) In its quarterly report, the Swedish amusement park Liseberg communicates an initial cost estimate for the material damage caused by the large fire at its related Oceana water world. This amounts to around SEK 484 million (approx. EUR 42 million), which means that the impairment requirement is about half as high as initially feared. However, the amount could still change as dismantling and clean-up works are still underway.

“In a way, the damage is immeasurable when you consider that we lost a friend and colleague in the fire. It is a loss that we can never replace. At the same time, we have to think ahead, and assessing the material damage is a step on the way to a possible reconstruction,” says Andreas Andersen, CEO of Liseberg.

Large parts of the basement, the pool complex, the technical facilities and the low-rise building, including the changing rooms, restaurants, stores and foyer, were largely undamaged. Liseberg’s board has not yet made a formal decision on the reconstruction of Oceana. A project plan, including a proposed budget and timetable, is to be finalized during the spring and will form the basis for further decisions and a possible construction contract.

“In simple terms, we can now say that there are three key elements for a possible rebuild of Oceana: A new attraction tower, a new roof structure and new rides. In addition, some fire engineering adjustments are likely to be made based on the results of the ongoing investigations,” explains Andersen. ■

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