27 Dec 2011

Nettebad Osnabrück / Germany: Sloop Slide Finally Opened!

Today Nettebad Osnabrück's "Sloop" slide has finally been opened after some days of delay (we reported in the EAP newsletter Dec 2011). Europe's first SuperLoop slide has been inaugurated by Osnabrück's municipal utility's chairman Manfred Hülsmann, who was the first one to slide. The second rider of the nearly 100-meter long slide was Managing Director of Osnabrück's bathing facilities Wolfgang Hermle. After the trap door in the start capsule opens, the rider experiences seven meters of free fall with a slope of 85 degrees. It follows a high speed roundabout before the bathing guest arrives in the landing pool. The free fall section of the slide is equipped with ten meters of light effects. "Crystal Clear" effects enable visitors to observe the riders in the slide from outside. The addition of a timing system to the new slide next year will support competition events. (eap)



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