11 Apr 2019

Germany: Climbing Forest Hainich Opens New Climbing Course

Germany’s Hainich climbing forest (G.: Kletterwald Hainich), situated on the edge of the Thuringian Hainich National Park, has recently expanded its visitor offer by the opening of a new, eleventh climbing course, leading through the treetops at a height of up to eleven meters. The course, called “Goshawk” and built by the park operators themselves, is 420 meters long and consists of 21 elements. Climbers can move between some of the platforms by using a zipline. In addition, a ten-meter-long climbing wall was also integrated between two stations, on which visitors have to overcome a height difference of around seven meters.

Younger visitors or guests who suffer vertigo can enjoy the park’s low-level climbing facilities, including “Dormouse” (height of 1.5 meters), “Squirrel” (height of 2.5 meters) or “Raccoon” (height of 3.2 meters). The safety of the new climbing facility was checked and approved by TÜV Thüringen. (eap)

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