22 Oct 2020

Germany: Architectural Concept from geising + böker Convinces for New Rebstockbad Construction Project

Germany: Architectural Concept from geising + böker Convinces for New Rebstockbad Construction Project

The “Bathing Complex Concept Frankfurt 2025” presented by BäderBetriebe Frankfurt GmbH includes the new construction of Rebstockbad as one of the large-scale measures (cf. EAP 5/2020). By 2025, a modern indoor sports pool, an adventure pool and a sauna landscape is to be built. Within the framework of a Europe-wide planning competition, architects and planners were able to submit their designs for the new building. The jury now awarded first prize to geising + böker Architekten from Hamburg/Vechta, whose concept creates “a convincing synthesis between landscape and urban structure”.

The existing Rebstockbad was opened in 1982 and is visited by around 600,000 guests a year. It is scheduled to be closed at the end of April 2021 and the new construction will start at the beginning of 2023. According to the city, 89.5 million euros have been earmarked for this comprehensive construction project. (eap)

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