12 Feb 2021

“World’s Largest Swimming Lesson“ Aims at Creating Awareness for Water Safety

For the past twelve years, the World Waterpark Association (WWA) has been initiating the “World’s Largest Swimming Lesson” (WLSL), working together with pool and waterpark operators in order to raise awareness about water safety and the importance of teaching children to swim at an early age.

“A dire consequence of the pool closures created by the 2020 pandemic is that millions of children did not have the chance to begin swimming lessons as they normally would,” explained Rick Root, president of the WWA. With the #21in21 campaign the WLSL aims to encourage large and small pool facilities to join the initiative. “Over the last 11 years of hosting the WLSL event, we’ve learned we can make a real difference in our communities if we all work together. By committing to the #21in#21 campaign, we can get kids and families back on track to being water aware by participating in life-saving swim lessons,” said Root. The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson is scheduled for June 17th this year.

Pool companies interested in participating can find all further information here. (eap)

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