16 Jun 2023

Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Seal Enclosure at Rostock Zoo

Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Seal Enclosure at Rostock Zoo

(v.l.n.r.): Architekt Sezai I. Candan, Zoodirektorin Antje Angeli, Wirtschaftsstaatssekretär Jochen Schulte, Rostocks Oberbürgermeisterin Eva-Maria Kröger & Bürgerschaftspräsidentin Regine Lück. Foto: Zoo Rostock/Joachim Kloock

(eap) “We are very happy that we can get started now,” said Antje Angeli, Director of Rostock Zoo, during the official groundbreaking ceremony today for the start of construction works on the new seal enclosure (c.f. our Park Report in EAP 2/2023). After the project was slightly delayed, the time gained was also used to further develop the plans. Thus, the new facility for seals and fur seals is now being built for an investment volume of around eleven million euros in total. The new enclosure will consist of one large water basin instead of two, in which seals and fur seals will live together in companionship. In order to meet the standards of modern species-appropriate animal husbandry, modern filter technology will be installed for keeping the seals in salt water instead of fresh water, among other measures. With regard to the design of the facility, the plans call for the animals to have small islands to rest on and terraced rocks to retreat to. Large viewing windows will provide visitors with direct underwater views, and regular show feedings will take place on newly constructed, covered traverses in the future. In addition, an educational area with display boards, exhibits and interactive stations on the topic of marine mammals is planned.

Rostock’s mayor Eva-Maria Kröger acclaimed the zoo’s commitment to make the new seal enclosure future-proof and animal-friendly: “We are happy for the seals and for the visitors, because fun should be the main focus for everyone! The zoo has again planned this very creatively and reliably, and has always sought exchange with the city and the state. We continue acting together for the new highlight of our zoo,” said Kröger. In financing the new seal facility, Rostock Zoo is supported by the Ministry of Economics of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which has so far issued a grant in the amount of 5.5 million euros. ■

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