09 Nov 2023

Morgan’s Wonderland Announces New Attractions for 2024

Morgan’s Wonderland Announces New Attractions for 2024

Photo: Courtesy of SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment

(eap) Morgan’s Wonderland, a theme park based in San Antonio, Texas/USA, recently announced new additions for the upcoming 2024 season. The park, which places great emphasis on inclusion and designs its attractions accordingly so that all visitors – regardless of disability or special needs – can experience them, is investing USD six million (approx. EUR 5.6 million) in new attractions. These include a 4D cinema from SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment, a “Magic Bike 6” attraction from Italian manufacturer Zamperla, a boat ride and a zipline. Furthermore, other park facilities will receive an upgrade.

“Thus far, Morgan’s Wonderland has welcomed 2.7 million guests from all 50 states and more than 120 other countries,” said Gordon Hartman, who along with wife Maggie co-created the park, thanks to the inspiration of their daughter with special needs, Morgan. “It’s now time to refresh and add new elements that will constitute our largest expansion since we opened in 2010.”

The new 4D cinema from Canadian company SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment will be equipped with motion seats featuring special effects such as wind, steam and light. The motion effects can be switched off depending on the needs of the guests. Also, wheelchair users can take part in the attraction thanks to a special platform with the same special effects. The first movie to be shown in the 4D cinema is entitled “Mars Coaster” and is intended to make viewers feel as if they are riding a roller coaster.

“Jette’s Wonder Bikes” is the name of the attraction by Zamperla, which will be equipped with six gondolas designed as hang gliders that can be steered in height interactively by the riders using pedals. This attraction will also be barrier-free, so that wheelchair users can use hand cranks instead of pedals to control the ride.

On the new boat trip, visitors will be able to enjoy a relaxed ride across the eight-acre fishing lake, which will also be crossed by the new four-seater zipline. Here, two riders sit back to back, so that the zipline offers a different experience depending on where a person sits. The device also provides space for respiratory equipment or other gear required by the riders, as well as additional restraints for riders with restricted head and upper body control. ■

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