26 Feb 2011

Thorpe Park / UK: Halloween in January?

There are strange things happening at Merlin’s Thorpe Park in Great Britain … Reportedly, the park’s staff saw with their own eyes that objects were moved by an invisible hand and had disappeared. Employees felt observed by “something” and reported that they experienced sudden cold feelings passing their body. Even a headless monk was seen … as a result of these paranormal activities, priests from the surrounding areas and a detection agency were called to carry out tests and find out what was happening. Finally, the water ride “Storm Surge”, a Spinning Rapid from WhiteWater (formerly located at Cypress Gardens) that was currently under construction was replaced to another location within Thorpe Park due to the fact that on the designated place there had been a burial ground and an old monk walk before … - As usual, some believe what they hear and see their own perceptions confirmed … others think this is just an awesome marketing strategy of the company/group, because nearly every British newspaper has reported about the paranormal activities at Thorpe Park up to now. In former times, this was called free advertizing! (eap)


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