05 Nov 2021

Germany: Reconstruction Plans for AquariUM after Rooftop Collapse

In July this year, the roof of the indoor sport pool of the AquariUM in Schwedt in Germany’s Brandenburg region collapsed (see EAP news of 14 July 2021). Now, new reports on the incident and plans for the pool’s reconstruction have been communicated. “At this stage, it is assumed that the collapse was caused by a faulty design of a structural element in the main beam in the course of construction planning,“ explained Jürgen Polzehl, chairman of the supervisory board. An expert report also showed that no structurally relevant damage has yet been detected in other parts of the recreational facility.

The reconstruction work, which includes a second inspection of all structural elements and additional modernization works, is scheduled to be completed next year. “At this point a planning company is commissioned to prepare the winter closing measures and the rebuilding,“ said Dirk Sasson, general manager of the business network Stadtwerke Schwedt. About two million euros will be invested into the reconstruction. “We are relieved to be able to put all our powers into the reconstruction now, so the people of Schwedt, the swimming clubs as well as the schools can soon make use of the pool again,“ added Polzehl. (eap)

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