25 Nov 2008

Vienna / Wolfsburg: Longest Self-Supporting Bridge and Highest Lego Tower in the World


Shortly before its third anniversary in mid-September this year, the phæno in Wolfsburg opened a special exhibit called “SteinZeit” (stone age) which became the scene of a world record attempt. In the spectacular building designed by star architect Zaha Hadid, an equally spectacular construction made out of more than 50,000 LEGO®  building blocks was completed: the world’s longest self-supporting bridge. The special exhibition “SteinZeit in phæno - Bau mit am großen LEGO® Traum” (stone age in phæno – work on the construction of the largest LEGO® dream) will be running until early January 2009 and is hugely popular with guests. – At the “100 Jahre Kinderfreude” children’s festival in October, hundreds of children from Vienna built the largest tower out of Lego blocks the world has ever seen: 29.485 metres tall. They beat the Lego world record tower in Great Britain by 22.5 centimetres. An exciting and also media-effective spectacle that took (relatively) little effort! (eap)


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