18 Nov 2022

Austria: Sonnentherme Opens Environmentally Friendly Ice Rink

The Sonnentherme spa in Lutzmannsburg, Austria, is replacing its old ice rink with a new synthetic ice rink from the Swiss company Glice. The company’s innovative technology is said to enable realistic ice skating at any temperature and in any season. The company has already installed more than 1,500 rinks worldwide. Glice synthetic ice, the manufacturer explains, “is produced using an environmentally friendly manufacturing process ... Thanks to, the molecular structure provided with highly slippery substances, Glice has the lowest coefficient of friction in the synthetic ice industry and is characterized by a high-density molecular structure.” This provides an optimal balance between grip and slip, eliminating the need for additional chemical lubricants. In addition, no electricity, water or coolant is needed to operate the track, which also makes it economically viable.

“The goal is to make the Sonnentherme even more attractive for families & kids, but also more sustainable, so that it can continue to play in the highest ‘league‘ as a family spa, both nationally and internationally. The entire investement sum amounts around $ 200,000, the conversion phase runs so far smoothly and according to plan thus a punctual opening on 18th November stands nothing in the way“, reports Mag. Werner Cerutti, managing director of the thermal spa, a few weeks before the opening. The 4843 square feet (450 Quadratmeter) ice skating rink is expected to be open from today until March 5th. (eap)

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