04 Apr 2017

Belgium: Barco Presents New UDX Projector Series

Especially for large-scale events and for high-definition projections in leisure and theme parks the lighting equipment plays a major role to visually immerse guests into “other worlds”.

To meet the demands of event organizers and AV integrators, the Belgian Barco company recently presented its newly developed UDX projector series, promising high quality in colors, definition and processing. Besides an increased brightness the projectors produce 4K images. Furthermore, AV system integrators can look forward to time savings regarding installation and administration of the projectors. The new product line is the result of a cooperation between Barco and its clients.

Thomas Gellermann, research and development Director at Kraftwerk Living Technologies, is satisfied with the new product: “The UDX series applies to our demands. It offers high-definition 4K quality which is a basic requirement to create bright images. Also, it is equipped with laser-phosphorus illumination up to 32,000 lumen – exactly the range for our large-size installations. Furthermore, it offers a low maintenance and is user-friendly,” said Gellermann. (eap)

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