18 Apr 2012

Expo 2012, Yeosu Korea will Feature Largest Water Curtain Ever Built

Expo 2012, Yeosu Korea will Feature Largest Water Curtain Ever Built

The Expo 2012 will be held from May 12 to August 12 in Yeosu, a seaside town in Korea. The motto of the expo is “The Living Ocean and Coast” and after the Shanghai Expo 2010, it’s again an Asian country that is hosting the event. “Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities” defines the main theme of the expo that aims to inform all visitors about future actions regarding our oceans. An important and impressing icon of the Yeosu Expo site will be “Big-O”. This is a giant circular structure made of concrete and steel that will be a symbolic landmark by day and transform into the centerpiece of a unique show by night. During the show, the structure will feature the largest water curtain worldwide. 24 moving water cannons (360°) and numerous water jets will create the large water curtain (45 meters high) in the middle of the structure. The story shown on the water curtain will be created by means of video projectors and special effects generated by flame generators, mist nozzles and lasers. The “Big-O” show was designed by the French company ECA2, which has been creating and producing major events and shows worldwide for over 30 years. (eap)

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