02 Dec 2015

Germany: Europa-Park Shows Pop Art Winter Exhibition

Germany: Europa-Park Shows Pop Art Winter Exhibition

James Rizzi

Since Friday last week visitors to Europa-Park have the possibility to see the US-American pop-art artist James Rizzi’s winter exhibition at the amusement park. Until January 10, 2016 more than 400 artworks will be presented in Europa-Park’s Marcedes-Benz Hall. The exhibition includes, for example, a huge 3-D Rizzi scenery of houses, two drafts of bible and church windows as well as a big installation featuring taxi photos. “James Rizzi’s imagery is unique. His artworks fit perfectly in here,” Europa-Park owner Roland Mack says.

Rizzi, who died in 2011, was a great rollercoaster fan himself and painted many amusement park pictures. The interactive exhibition is accompanied by the 15-minute show “Sun, Moon, New York”. Featuring vocal and dance performances, the daily show tells the artist’s life. Extracts from the art exhibition are presented in the documentation „Popartist James Rizzi: Die bunte Reise nach New York“ (Engl.: “Pop Artist James Rizzi: The Colourful Journey to New York”), which can be watched on the German n-tv news channel this weekend. (eap)



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