25 May 2021

Germany: LEGOLAND Offers Special Event for Seriously Ill Children

For the three children Jacob, Franz and Jerome, who are suffering from a serious illness, the LEGOLAND Deutschland Resort had an enormous surprise in store: In cooperation with the “Wishcar“ (G.: Wünschewagen) of the Bavarian Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Allgäu/Schwaben non-profit organisation, the park opened its doors despite the current lockdown measures exclusively for the young guests and their families. Selected rides and attractions such as the “LEGOLAND Express“ or the “Safari Tour“ were put in operation on that day. Also, aquarist-in-chief Uwe Keller offered a tour through the underwater world “ATLANTIS by Sea Life“.

“Our LEGOLAND is in the starting blocks and has already dressed-up for our visitors, but we still have to do without them at the moment. So we came up with the idea to take this as a chance to invite children, who are not able to visit LEGOLAND during regular opening hours due to an illness,“ explains general manager Manuela Stone. “To see how happy and relaxed the families have been during the exploration of the park is so wonderful during these times. We will continue organizing this special event, to give even more children and their families the opportunity for a very special day,“ she concludes. (eap)

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