28 Oct 2016

Germany: Nettebad Osnabrück to Open New Funnel Slide in December

Germany: Nettebad Osnabrück to Open New Funnel Slide in December

(v.l.) Stadtwerke-Bädertechnikchef Jürgen August und Bäderchef Wolfgang Hermle

“Twist” is the name of the new slide attraction currently under construction at Germany’s Nettebad Osnabrück – a 13.50 meter high funnel slide equipped with individually controllable projection technology, which lets bathing guests rotate like a roulette ball through a gyroscope.

This innovative slide model from German manufacturer Wiegand-Maelzer is built between the existing “Black Hole” and “Sloop” slides. In a first steep section, guests pick up high speed before arriving in a gyroscope of eight meters in diameter. In there, the sliders rotate some rounds loosing their velocity, before they get “swallowed” by a funnel. After 68 meters of track length the exciting slide adventure ends. Twist’s individual elements are designed in such a way that a “theme world” can be projected onto them. This interactive projection technology, which can be influenced by the sliders’ movements during their ride is an innovative feature: “The combination of a funnel slide model with interactive projection technology makes our ‘Twist’ unique in the world,” said Wolfgang Hermle, Head of the bathing complex operated by Stadtwerke Osnabrück. Bathing guests are invited to participate in choosing the theme of the projection – besides an “underwater world” theme they can choose between a “galaxy”, “disco light show” and a “spectacular world of colours” theme.

It is already certain that the installation of the new slide, whose investment volume is quoted with 500,000 Euros, will upgrade the bathing complex as a popular leisure destination. “We aim at increasing the time that visitors spent in our venues by steadily investing in new attractions. In this way, we can keep revenues on a constant high level,” adds Hermle. The operator, Stadtwerke Osnabrück, plans to open ‘Twist’ in December this year. (eap)

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