08 Jul 2015

Netherlands: Burgers’ Zoo Starts Mobile Marketing Concept

To attract more visitors from Germany Burgers’ Zoo located in Arnhem, the Netherlands, has started a cross-border marketing strategy. For this purpose a bus of Germany’s public transport company NIAG was given an underwater design which makes it a “driving aquarium”. From now on sea dwellers like sharks or rays accompany bus passengers on their ride through the district of Kleve. Until September next year passengers will have the possibility to use this extraordinary bus for a ride. “We are proud of our new ‘aquarium bus’. It is supposed to make people smile on their way to work or school and hopefully will attract many new guests”, Burgers’ director Alex van Hooff comments. Currently the zoo welcomes 1.4 million visitors annually of which 30 per cent are German. Founded in 1913, Burgers’ zoo is especially characterized by its themed areas which are adapted to the animals’ natural habitats. More than 600 different species live in these areas. (eap)        

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