11 Feb 2011

Brunssum / Netherlands: Is There a Mega Project in the Starting Blocks?


The popularity of miniature parks is existent but not exuberant. They are often missing the essential “thrill” to entice children and teenagers as well. According to the “Aachener Zeitung”, the successful Toverland owner Jean Gelissen has created a concept for a huge project in the city of Brunssum (province of Limburg) in the Netherlands. The concept includes a replica of the Grand Canyon with a height of 60 meters as well as further replicas of famous sites in the world like the Mount Everest (Nepal), the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) and the Victoria Falls (Simbabwe) in terms of theme parks. Gigantic 800 million Euros are said to be invested in the project comprising a total surface of 100 hectares. Five million visitors are expected to come to the park every year. According to the current planning, the Grand Canyon replica will be completed in 2014 as a first step. (eap)


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