21 Oct 2015

Germany: 8th International Swimming Pond Congress in Cologne

This year, for the first time ever, the “International Swimming Pond Congress” will take place in parallel with the FSB/aquanale trade fair duo, held from October 27 to 30 at Cologne’s Kölnmesse convention center. The motto for the eighth congress concerning swimming ponds, natural pools and natural swimming facilities is “Diversity by the Water”. Diverse are as well the topics visitors to the congress can look forward to between October 28 and 30. They will learn about the planning, construction and maintenance of swimming ponds’ and pools’ natural water treatment, especially with regard to filtration and filter technology. Furthermore, the use of natural bathing waters in consideration of the society’s progressing ecological change in awareness will play an important role. The International Swimming Pond Congress is organized by the German Society for Natural Bathing Waters (DGfnB e.V.) and will take place under the patronage of the International Organization for Natural Bathing Waters (IOB). (eap)

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