31 May 2022

Germany: Construction Work Completed for New South America Area at Jaderpark

Germany: Construction Work Completed for New South America Area at Jaderpark

Last year, Germany’s Jaderpark celebrated its 25th anniversary and announced a major new project, a new South America area, which has now been completed after about half a year of construction. For the new area, which covers 1,200 square meters and includes a 185-square-meter animal house, several old buildings in the historic part of the park and, among others, the former elephant house were tore down.

In the future, the facility will be inhabited by an animal community of lowland tapirs, great anteaters, capybaras and a two-fingered sloth, who will be provided with an indoor bathing pool and underfloor heating in the house. Visitors can get a glimpse inside through a large window. Adjacent to the house are the front enclosures, where the animals access the communal enclosure via a sliding gate system. The outdoor enclosure is generously planted and offers shady spots for the animals through awnings. The additional outdoor pool for the animals is located near to the visitors‘ path, from which guests can observe the animals real close.

Also new in this area is a “digging zone“ that allows especially for young visitors to discover and uncover a dinosaur skeleton. In total, Jaderpark invested around 460,000 euros in the new South America area. (eap)

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