23 Jun 2021

Germany: Soft-Opening of the “Movie Park Studio Tour” – Movie Park Germany Launches New Multi Dimension Coaster

Germany: Soft-Opening of the “Movie Park Studio Tour” – Movie Park Germany Launches New Multi Dimension Coaster

Movie Park-GF Thorsten Backhaus während der festlichen Eröffnungs-Gala zur Premiere der Movie Park Studio Tour.

The last scene is in the can and a screenplay becomes reality: On the occasion of the park’s 25th anniversary this season, Movie Park Germany raises the curtain on its new Hollywood roller coaster “Movie Park Studio Tour”, a multi-dimension coaster by manufacturer Intamin, which starts into its soft opening today (cf. EAP news of 3 Dec 2020). The new attraction promises guests a family experience as a mix of a rollercoaster and dark ride, and is about exciting Hollywood film scenes and production processes during filming. The ride features two acceleration sections (forward and backward), media content and special effects, among other features.

“It all started in 1996 with the slogan ‘Hollywood in Germany’ – now the world of film is even closer than we thought! We are thrilled to present our new blockbuster roller coaster to our visitors,” says Movie Park Managing Director Thorsten Backhaus and continues, “We can't wait to take parents and children even deeper into the world of film with the ‘Movie Park Studio Tour’ and are very excited about the guest feedback.”

Manuel Prossotowicz, Creative Project Manager and Director Brand Development, adds: “Movie Park Studios is opening its doors and a vision is now becoming reality. We are incredibly proud of the end result and would like to take this opportunity to thank our great team and all partners who have worked with us to bring the most comprehensive script in our park’s history to life. The Hollywood film world is incredibly diverse and appeals to a wide audience. That's why we've integrated different film genres and themes into the ride. [...] With the 25th Movie Park anniversary, we are reaching a significant milestone in our park history. That's why it's all the more important for us to create an immersive overall experience for all age groups with the new attraction [...]," says Prossotowicz.

The Movie Park Studio Tour will be available for guests in regular operation from 5 July. Read all about the coaster novelty in one of our upcoming magazine issues. (eap)

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