04 Sep 2013

Kassel/Germany: Construction of „Grimm-Welt“ Started

Kassel/Germany: Construction of „Grimm-Welt“ Started

The construction of the new “Grimm-Welt” (Grimm World) in Kassel, Germany has been launched with a groundbreaking ceremony at the end of August. The new facility will be devoted to the versatility and creativity of the German Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, who collected their folk tales and began writing a German dictionary in the city of Kassel. Located in a prominent spot in the city on an area of around 4,000 square meters, the new building was designed by the German architecture firm kadawittfeldarchitektur. The new museum will feature many interactive elements as well as numerous original exhibits while the exhibition itself will be designed by Zurich’s Holzer Kobler Architekturen. A total sum of 20 million Euros is planned to be invested in the new building, which is scheduled to open at the end of 2014. (eap)

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