08 May 2023

Nettebad Celebrates 50th Anniversary

 Nettebad Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Marlen Sundermann ist der zwanzigmillionste Badegast im Osnabrücker Nettebad und wurde deshalb von Bäderbetriebsleiterin Gerhild Neumann (links) und Nettebad-Leiterin Sonja Niemann (rechts) reich beschenkt.

(eap) Nettebad, the public pool flagship of Stadtwerke Osnabrück (Germany), celebrates its 50th anniversary this month. Fittingly for the anniversary month, the 20 millionth guest visited the public pool, which opened on May 27, 1973. In 2005, after several years of renovation and modernization works, the Nettebad was reopened as one of now three pools in the city as part of Osnabrück’s pool concept. Since then, the number of bathers has once again increased significantly – to 756,000 guests in the record year of 2019. “After the Corona dip, with more than 650,000 guests last year, we have already almost reached the visitor number of 2019 again,” said manager pool operations Stadtwerke Osnabrück Gerhild Neumann. “This shows us that Nettebad continues to be attractive for people in the region.”

Today, Nettebad Osnabrück offers a wide range of sports and leisure activities. Seven different slides make the bath Northern Germany’s largest slide park. In addition, a Ninja Cross course, VR diving and a sauna village promise fun for the whole family. On May 27, 2023, a birthday event with action, games and fun will take place to celebrate the 50th anniversary. During an afternoon of games younger guests (recommended for ages six to twelve), can participate in water games and slide competitions. ■

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