26 Mar 2015

SeaWorld Launches New Killer Whale Advertising Campaign

SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. has launched a new advertising campaign on Monday highlighting the company’s leadership in the care of killer whales and contributions to protect whales both in human and in the wild. On the one hand, the campaign is set to emphasize SeaWorld’s 50-year commitment to continuous evolution in this field. On the other hand, the campaign represents a reaction of SeaWorld to increasing criticism from activists and the resulting uncertainty of the general public. “There’s been a lot of misinformation and even lies spread about SeaWorld, and we recognize that it has caused some people to have questions about the welfare of killer whales in human care,” said David D’Alessandro, Chairman of SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. He adds, “This long-term campaign will address those questions head on. We want to provide the facts, so people can make up their own minds on this important issues.” Print advertisements as well as digital components of the campaign such as new online video features seek to educate people on SeaWorld’s care for its killer whales as well as open a conversation with the public to address concerns and questions. (eap)

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