10 Jun 2014

St. Moritz, Switzerland: OvaVerva Operations Manager Appointed

Following a 26-month construction phase, July 7th is the date set for the official opening of the new OvaVerva recreational bathing complex in St. Moritz. We reported on this endeavor back in EAP Issue 3/2013. The long awaited new complex is aiming to fill a niche in the range of leisure and sporting services available in the exclusive winter sport town of St. Moritz. OvaVerva’s facilities will include an indoor pool, a wellness zone and a gym area. 35-year-old Marco Michel, a native of the local Engadin region, was already appointed as the OvaVerva Operations Manager this past February with responsibility for all of the complex’s business activities. Michel is a trained marketing planner and business management graduate. He is also gradually taking on the management duties of the city of St. Moritz’s new “Tourism Infrastructure” bureau. (eap)

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