16 Jan 2007

Tropical Islands: Investment Surge


Ole Bested-Hensing has made it – or rather, he and his entire team of around 600 employees have: Tropical Islands in Krausnick (State of Brandenburg) opened to visitors right on time on the 27th of December 2006 after just eight weeks of construction. Thanks to a great deal of commitment from the operator and especially all of the companies involved, Tropical Islands was able to open at the end of last year just as planned. In addition to a 25-metre tall sliding tower with four different tracks for the widest variety of demands, visitors can also look forward to a children’s world of play, toddlers’ area and mini-golf course. Overall investments for the modernisation were 18 million euros. More than 3,000 people came to the facility by the afternoon of the opening day… not bad at all. And other investments are already definitely planned for the future, including a sauna landscape and holiday village. (eap)

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