Germany: Meyer Werft Establishes Subsidiary for Repair and Modernisation Works for Cruise Ships in Service

Die deutsche Meyer Werft baut Kreuzfahrtschiffe u.a. für Disney, die Disney Wish dockte im Februar aus. Künftig wird das Geschäftsfeld um Serviceleistungen wie Modernisierung und Reparaturen erweitert.
© Meyer Werft
With the formation of the subsidiary Meyer RE, Germany’s Meyer Werft aims at opening up a new business segment for itself: The new company will offer modernisation, repair and optimisation services for running cruise ships – from the cabins to the engine.
This was announced by the long-established company from Papenburg during the industry trade fair Seatrade Cruise Global, which is taking place in Miami until today. In the pandemic crisis that also hit hard the cruise industry, Meyer Werft‘s aim is to secure jobs in the long term by expanding its portfolio, which in addition to the new services via Meyer RE will in future also include the construction of luxury yachts, for example. Recently there was talk of job cuts at the shipyard group in the wake of the economic difficulties. (eap)