28 Oct 2015

USA: Andrew Wray Introduced Into WWA “Hall of Fame”

USA: Andrew Wray Introduced Into WWA “Hall of Fame”

Andrew Wray

The World Waterpark Association (WWA), headquartered in the US state of Kansas, has welcomed Andrew Wray, Chief Business Development Officer and Partner at WhiteWater West Industries Ltd., to its “Hall of Fame”, which honors extraordinary leaders within the waterpark industry. After his graduation from Scotland’s University of Glasgow as a mechanical engineer, Wray started his career at Barr + Wray, a manufacturer of pumps, water treatment and filtration systems. In the mid 1980’s, Wray began designing and perfecting wave generating equipment and brought the technology to Canada. As of 1987, Wray and WhiteWater jointly delivered advanced wave pool systems to the amusement industry. Andrew Wray also contributed to the growth of WhiteWater to a global company. With its team of waterpark and attractions experts the company today is able to introduce innovative products all over the world. “Through his work at WhiteWater, Wray has been an industry leader in designing and building some of the world’s most memorable attractions”, Mark Moore, WWA Board of Directors Chair, comments. (eap)


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